Effective Advertising using a Website Commercial
Effective advertising is what we all expect, out of our advertising dollar. As an X-Realtor, I can tell you, I have tried just about every type of advertising. From Post cards, to Cold calling and everything in between. When I tell you the most effective advertising is T.V and Infomercials, you gotta believe me! I Used to walk door to door, trying different advertising ideas, to get the home owners to recall or remember me, when it was time to buy or sell. I found that relationship is the best and most effective advertising there is out there. However, that takes so much time, that one barely has enough time to actually do their job.
Now mind you, Real Estate is one of the most competitive and flooded markets out there. There is a regular Agent Mill out there. Turning out 100 Agents a day, who all expect their family, or neighbor’s to work with them. They have a saying that 25% of the Agents get 75% of the business. That is true. I was very successful and found myself in the upper ranks of the Agents in my area. One effective advertising tool I found, was having my own Website Commercial. It was a 1 minute introduction of myself, where a potential client could “size me up” and get that personal introduction, or get that familiarity or comfort level. The beginning of a relationship via a website commercial, if you will. I stumbled upon this, by trying to be a bit different then other Agents in the area. I felt that if someone could get a look at me, after all first impressions are lasting impressions. They would either say, “I can identify with him“, or “I don’t like him“. Either way, it was effective advertising. I found that I would show up for an appointment and the kids would mention the website commercial. Or the client would mention something on it. A great ice breaker. All from my 1 minute Website Commercial. So after years of doing Real Estate, trying this or that advertising device, I learned that having my own Website Commercial was not only effective, but actually helped my website ranking in a flooded market. After some personal changes in my life and having the market fall out, underneath us. I decided to retire from that and moved on to doing something I absolutely love to do. Create effective advertising, while combining my love of the arts. The birth of NetCommercial.
Cost of Advertising
Advertising cost is subjective, to the Rate of Return of your advertising dollar. If I had a guarantee, that if I shell out 10,000 and was promised that I will get back 12,500. in return. One could look at that advertising scenario, as a win. That cost of advertising question would then be. How long would it take to get a return, on your advertising dollar? In other words, that working advertising dollar is out there working, but how long does it take to recoup plus return? If it were to take 5 years to get recoup, then you go from win, to push, or break even. Because that advertising dollar, or cost of advertising, needs to be calculated in the time to recoup ones advertising dollar. We all know that if we invest money, we hopefully get some return. The better return is called an investment, the safer money is called savings. However the fact remains, money was created to work. Be it in a passbook savings or investment.
Penetration of Advertising
When I use the term Penetration of Advertising, I am referring to the amount of potential clients or customers that actually see your advertising piece. Along with, recalling your Brand, once they are ready for your service, or product. Say you do a flier for your company, you pay 200 for 2000 one sided black and white fliers. Out of those 2000 fliers, 8 people actually read your flier. The other 1992 Fliers went in the trash and were never even acknowledged. Lets not forget the time to pass them out, or paid to have them delivered. Penetration of Advertising =’s 00.04% Or about 25 bucks a head to have them just look at your flier… You could probably do better boxing favorites at the track!
That scenario is typical and that is why I feel that one needs a Coupon, or a reason for the potential client, or customer to hang on to your flier. Like a Calendar or Coupon book with your Logo or information on it. (People hang onto Coupons) But that is pushing that advertising dollar, way beyond the 200 bucks mentioned prior. That is where one needs to decide on advertising, via being in their Coupon drawer, or hanging on the wall as a Calendar. Although with today’s technology and the Internet, Smart or I phones, or Androids, people now Google your product or services. If you come up on the first page, they will contact you, or consider contacting you. Now it is up to you to win the client, then and there; or capture their info to ‘farm’ them. That is what I mean in my Commercial about Yesterday’s technology. You must agree? As well as if they do not get instant gratification or answers they will back click. Don’t you think that is an opportune moment to sell the ‘sizzle’ of your brand, with a quick, concise, Website Commercial?
If you typed effective advertising and this article came up, that is probably how you found me. With that technology I mentioned, you can now track your Penetration of Advertising, with Google Analytics. See how long someone hovers over your ad, or online flier. What, or where they spend the most time looking at. If they kept on Surfing, or clicked through your strategically placed ads. More on that under Tracking Advertising.
I know…. where is my Website Commercial? Right? Well I cannot be shooting a Website Commercial for every Blog post I do. However, if you click the tabs above you will see my Home page has a Website Commercial, along with the Advantages tab does too. Along with, they are peppered through my Blog, here and there. Yet, I did create that Gif for some ‘flair’ on this Blog post for Advertising.
I digress.
Rate of Return on Advertising
So I delved, or briefed a bit, on return of advertising above. Let’s go a bit deeper on that. Have you ever recalled a product in the store, when staring shelves on the isle and there are 17 brands of the same thing on the shelf? One might be 89. cents higher then the other, yet you buy it because of familiarity. You are comfortable with that product and feel it will do the job; because the advertisement you watched said so.
That is Return on Advertising. Having potential clients or customers choose your brand, over the other, due to familiarity. All because of advertising. Most successful Car Salesmen are the ones who do a ‘canned’ walk around of a vehicle. They will go over, every feature a car has. So when you go to compare to another Brand and another Salesmen ‘cuts corners and says: “Best selling car”. The consumer is not satisfied internally, for that big decision. In other words you can put this stuff in writing, but until they hear it from you, or your Website Commercial, it does not sink in.
If you are the only guy selling Snow chains in a blizzard, then obviously you do not need to advertise, rather click on the OPEN sign. However in the real world of business, we have competition. That is why we advertise. Yet, we all want to maximize our advertising dollar. I like to use Website Commercials, as mentioned, as when I was doing Real Estate. I was able to ‘break-the-ice’ with my Website Commercial and have them recall my Brand, or at least remember me. It was like a per-cursor to building a relationship with potential clients. As well as, I was able to reassure them that my Brand is trusted and why.
When you pencil out the cost of a Website Commercial and the advertising that you can do with it. It really is the best form of advertising one can have.
Such as, use it as an e mailer or e-flier. Send it out on DVD to past, present and future clients. Have it loop on your showroom floor, or in a kiosk. You could later use your Website Commercial for T.V on local cable. I think you will find that you will get more mileage out of a Website Commercial then you would with fliers on a windshield. After all we use the Internet to locate or shop before consuming. Well 99% of us do. More Bang for you Buck with a Website Commercial then Filers!
Tracking of Advertising
So you agree that a Website Commercial is the way to go with some of your hard earned advertising budget. The nice thing about a Website Commercial, coupled with the Internet and Google analytics. As mentioned earlier, you can track your clients habits. See what interests them and what they hovered over with their mouse. Interesting, I am sure. That technique, I leave to the Webmasters. Like VendOps. I like to do the creative part such as creating your Motto, Slogan of your Website Commercial. However the fact remains, you can track what appeals to your clients or customers. There is also an advertising tool called a ‘squeeze page’. That is where a user is prompted to fill in their email address for further information on whatever your brand is.
Say you are Bankruptcy Attorney, hot business right now. If you have a Website Commercial explaining the 5 steps to get your BK going in the right direction and at step 3 you have a pop up in your Website Commercial, requesting for contact information, to proceed or get the last 2 steps; 70% of serious folks will give you an email address. Now if they are just thinking about a BK. Wouldn’t it be nice to be the guy who sends out an email flier once a month while they sit on the fence?
This applies to any field. Be it a Plumber, Electrician, or Music Store. You just need to provide good, useful information and they will treat you as a trusted ‘hub’ of information. I have always felt and found, that it is better to be regarded as a hub of information; then an expert. What are you waiting for? NetCommercial is running a special in this economy for *399.00 you can have your own Website Commercial to start tracking your advertising dollar.
*NetCommercial reserves the right to cancel Special without further Notice.