Business Plan Outline 
Business plan outline facts, steps and suggestions. All businesses need a business plan outline to be successful. I will even go out on a limb and state that; “Any and all successful products or services were accompanied by a plan.” I’ve broke down the ‘meat and potatoes‘ of a business plan outline and it’s key points. Information that anyone who may be curious or interested about your business will want to know before proceeding to do business with you. Some of it kind of melds together, although as a business plan outline should; one step compliments or coincides with the next.
Business Plan Outline – Executive Summary
Business plan outline executive summary is the summary of the entire business as a whole. Most people write this at the end of their plan as their conclusion. Due to most under graduate professors teach it that way. Although some will argue as I would, that a short summary on top allows a prospect to get a glance, some excitement at what you are proposing before the onset of attention span loss sets in. That is why I am firm believer of motion graphic short spots to get your message across. No reason you cannot use a power point presentation, or a motion graphic spot to ‘sell the sizzle’ of your idea. Especially if you are campaigning on line. Many a sales meeting started with a video in my days. Think for a moment, if I talked about the cost of mining a diamond, cutting it, etc. OR… Just show you a sparkling cut diamond to start, then show you how to get one? Which do you think sinks in better?
Business Plan Outline- Objectives
This is where you brief on what your company does. IGE: NetCommercial~ Helps businesses communicate with their clientele. We create motion graphic, website commercials/videos for online businesses. At an affordable, attainable cost to the business owner. All while being state of the art.
Business Plan Outline- Mission Statement
The mission statement in your business plan outline should be sweet, short, and have impact that tells ‘what it is’ that the business wants to accomplish. Some refer to this as an ‘elevator blurb’. IGE: NetCommercial helps businesses communicate with their clientele thru the use of video or motion graphics. Our goal is not to create just one video website commercial, rather we want to grow with you. Hence our discount as our relationship flourishes.
That ‘Blurb’ was short, had impact and what it is I want to accomplish with any client I work with. “Create videos long term.”
Business Plan Outline- Vision & Values
Vision is a little different.., but it is kind of like telling the story briefly, of the mission statement..It provides guidance as to what the company wishes to accomplish in the next 5 to 10 years….it builds inspirations, values… what the company stands for, what is important, how do you want the world to look at you and remember you.. Are you a Green company, a niche’ company, maybe both?
Business Plan Outline- Keys to Success 
How do you plan to be a success, this is your blue print or road map that you think will make you successful. What are the steps that you plan to take, have an outline for your steps .. Start with the end result and then work backwards, if the goal is to be the best fashion designer, then what are the steps to get you there…What manner do you think will get you there, what are the fundamentals needed to do to get there..
IGE: Website, logo, business cards, stationary, brick and mortar site (if not E-commerce), logistics (delivering your product or service) license, insurance, legal counsel, designer talent overhead Which will all fall into the next category of a Financial statement/ projection.
Business Plan Outline- Financials
Financial projections.. these are challenging. I would cheat a bit on these. Try and find a business you want to emulate and find out what their operating costs were for the year.
An itemization of Start up costs, what do you think you will need, how will you get the start up money, is it coming out of your pocket, do you have investors, friends and family to back you up, a bank loan?
Guidance will be needed here…However this is the ‘sink or swim’ area that really allows you to use a model on paper before sinking any life savings into your business. I could go on and on about business plans, facts, figures and stats. However for the sake of brevity, those basics above will be a great outline to start with. Along with this link to help guide you. Link to Templates for Business Plan Outline
I wish you an “A” on the paper you may be writing, and success if you are a business owner researching. One thing I must share with you as a person who has had many jobs and a couple of businesses. Networking and customer service is paramount. We had an old saying in the sales business; ” New broom sweeps best.” Meaning all the basics taught in school without the corner cutting and bad habits result in optimum results.
As always we love to hear your comments, questions so please leave a comment below. Due to Spam I ask you leave the key word Business Plan Outline in the start of you comment, so I know you are real.
My pleasure…Just putting back into the community. Let us know when you need motion graphics, website commercials or video for your website we are here, state of the art and our prices cannot be beat!
I love the business plan outline. It does help to have one. Business Plans allow you to see if you are on track to meeting goals as well. Thank you for sharing.