Website Commercial for your Website
The idea of a Website was primarily for Business. The .com stands for commercial if you did not know that. Then of course Social Media sites and Blogging came about. Never the less the ones who are running a Website for a business want their business brand or service to stand out. Some use fancy font, or eye appealing pictures, to catch the attention of their visitors. That is why a Website Commercial is the natural progression of the net. Makes sense, right? Think about it, you are running a website to sell your brand and keep the attention of your viewers or subscribers. What better way, then to use the age old way of advertising. a Website Commercial.
Ranking First Page and Having a Website Commercial
NetCommercial Ranks first page as of the time this article was written. The Term(s) NetCommercial ranks first page, for the term Website Commercials <--Plural and a few other terms, such as website commercial producer. The Search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing and a few other. The real deal, is to rank "Without paying for clicks, or pay-per-clicks" Solely on content, or the Laurels of One's site. I feel that it is important to Rank First page, to be found on the Internet. I felt that once I was on page one, "Numbero Uno", that I was going to rake in the money. However, I found that not only is it important to be on the first or second page of the Search Engines, but one needs to have interesting, captivating content. Useful information, so those Browsing or thinking about my Brand would Bookmark me, due to my content and feeling that I am a trusted source of information.
Click Throughs and Back Clicks with your Website
So you clicked through on your search term and here you are reading my Brand. Now if you made it this far, I would assume that the information on here was useful enough NOT to back-click and move on to someone Else’s site. Although you may still back click and shop around, you may find yourself being on here long enough for Google to keep my ranking. As Google and the other Search Engines, time how long one visits your site, or if you clicked through to further pages. Thank you if you did and a Huge thanks if you clicked around and subscribed to my RSS feed or Bookmarked me. I would have to assume it was my Website Commercial that first enticed you to hang out for it’s 1 minute message, maybe even previewed a couple more too ‘just check-out’. Either way you are here because of my website commercial. That is the point I am making with this Blog article, the positive effects of a commercial.
Creating Interest with a Website Commercial
Creating interest within your commercial is a challenge, because one must, ‘Can‘ your message; in One minute, or less. Also having your Commercial make sense, as well as be appealing too. The Example of a flat static webpage Vs a Website Commercial below here…. Although the Static page of Your Brand was over simplified, I am sure you get the point I was trying to make without creating the “Your Brand” webpage in detail with those appealing pictures I mentioned in the beginning of this article.(See Website commercial below)
Create a following for your Website
As Website Owners, the reason we have a website is for people to follow us and our Brand. Right? There is no point in having a business if you have no clientele to cater too. Simply put.
Creating a following for your Brand or website, does not happen over night, usually.
Yes, there a few anomalies out there that go viral. The fact remains it was a video that went viral not a flat static webpage.
The point is you need Website Commercial to create that following. Now mind you, if you sell things on Ebay, or the likes of and you have a product you cannot keep on the shelf, you are an exception to the rule. But if you do have a store like that, I bet you do have back clicks in the shopping cart area.
If you had a website commercial strategically placed, when someone does back click in your checkout or basket area, I am sure you would retain 30% of those back clicks.
Did you know just having the PayPal logo causes Buyers to buy over those that don’t? Survey says, because the consumer feels comfortable. How about a short video at the point of check out, reassuring your Brand, Service or Product? Google statistics
These stats are out there, as well as the Stat Guru’s, all agree that Website interaction is the key to building a relationship with their visitors. We all know people buy people. That means, they must identify with your Brand before they will commence with a contract or purchase. I know of websites that have an ongoing contract to have fresh content, website commercials, placed on their websites; just for entertaining visitors on their site.
So what are you waiting for? Click our Contact button, let Netcommercial create a Website Commercial and watch as the above, unfolds for you.
As always due to Spam, please include the word Website Commercial and Ranking in your subject line so I can approve your comment.
“When they are Surfing the Net and don’t want them to Forget!”