Website for Business
It’s 2012 and it seems almost everyone is online with some form of website or webpage, except for a few 80 year old’s who still do not even have an answering machine at home; let alone a cell phone.
The rest of us? Well we are either shopping online or trying to create our own store or brand online. Where to start? Is the question I get all the time. I would recommend picking a website that is low maintenance and a bit timeless. What I mean by that is, if you select a website that needs constant tuning and tweaking or face lifts. You will either be shelling out big money frequently or spending your own time learning HTML (HTML=code used to write websites, Now it is called HTML 5). There are companies that advertise a do it all in one-stop-shop website source as well. But if you are starting out or trying to re-invent yourself in this economy you are going to want to save as much money as you can. Those monthly website subscription places can get up there in price, especially after you start to get the hang of your Website.
Your first Website for your business
There are many webmasters out there who can create just about anything you want for your website. There are also companies that are now advertising on TV, to create a website for your company. Like 1 & 1.
One of the cheapest ways to go, is to (DIY) ‘do it yourself.’ WordPress offers free website templates to choose from and after getting used to a WordPress site. I would have to say it is the better choice for a DIY Website.
I write cheapest, because in the long run with a website, all that ‘screamer ad stuff’ adds up when it is ala’ cart. Plus, having a Blog like I do, that comes with a WordPress site; this allows a website owner to add content without it sounding like ad pitch. I am sure you have been to those sites?
*Important -Wordpress is available as a .com and .org website template. A .ORG WordPress site you will have to buy your own Domain name. Such as my domain name is; That will cost you per year, anywhere from $7-$20.00 bucks. Shop Domain Registrars! Godaddy, is currently for censoring the Internet. Something, I think is Un-American and another way to tax or feed us mis-information. Pick someone else to be your Domain Registrar. With a WordPress .Com website the whole thing is FREE!! Exept your name will be whatever name is available that you picked and will be like this www.example/ I digress.
After you pick your name and buy, or register your Domain name. It is time to select a Web design. I will talk about WordPress for now.
I seem to get a few emails about, which or who or how to get a website started? The main difference between and .org is pretty simple
.Org is for those who are willing to lease a Server to keep or park, their website name and content at. The Charge is around 15.00 a month total, for that. There are cheaper Server Hosts however, you get your own email address and are able to store an ample amount of information on a leased server. This is particularly important if you are going to have a bunch of pictures or (media) as it is called, on your website. Or you want to have more control over your website. Conversely with the .Com wordpress sites. You only need to pick a theme, a name, and Voila you are online.
Granted you are limited to the amount of information you are allowed to park on the .Com site. Unless you pay for it. That falls into the Campaign aspect of it. Both will allow a Blog but if you want to have media in your Blog and or many types of Graphic art,pictures,and videos, you will soon burn through the allotted ‘free’ amount that a .Com WordPress site allows. However, if you are just going to create a page to test the waters, great way to go. Perhaps have a Youtube account then have a commercial linked to your page and you will get plenty of information in your website, without using up the allotted space allowed by the ‘comped’ .Com WordPress website.
Contact campaign for your Website
As you create campaigns for your Brand or Product or website, Blogging has become more and more exercised or utilized. You see every time you write a Blog and it is useful information, such as this one. Google and the likes of, place a spot in their search engines for your Blog. So if you always Blog about Websites, marketing or creating website commercials. Google or Yahoo will count the density of your website words or topics. This is good for Ranking, more on that in a minute.
Contact Campaigns can be from a viral video (the holy grail) Getting a million views for free, is pretty sweet. Considering those high-lit links at the top of the search engines can cost up to 20.00 dollars every time One clicks through that link. I am sure you can realize how expensive that can get. My thinking on that is, if I click through there, I am ultimately going to have to pay for that overhead. So, like many, I scroll down a few links till I see something written in the Meta tags that coincide with my search. Meta tags are what we use to ‘tag’ articles. You will learn about that, once you get online with your website. Like this article was ‘meta tagged with “Creating a website for your business, Using a website commercial for your business website. WordPress .org for a website.”
Back to campaigns and contacts. With a WordPress site over a regular HTML site, the nice thing is, wordpress has an editor to create articles and tag them, as well as make available the codes to make your website look like what you are after. Places like 1 & 1 are capitalizing on this, by allowing a client to scroll down with drop down tabs and select, some ‘limited’ changes. Important if you want to run a campaign for say, Widgets. Or if you are having a sale on Widgets, you will be able to change your whole page or motif to that type of Widget.
However, if you have a .Com WordPress site, you will have size limits until you start paying ala’ cart. Now I briefed on your own email address above. In the business world, when we see a free Ymail, yahoo, hotmail or gmail address, it really comes across as unprofessional and or, is this person starting out, or ready to run with the money? When you lease your Website Server like a .ORG, you will be using a leased server and most leased servers give the opportunity to create up to 50 email addresses that can be what ever user name you create, like sales and then
Very professional and gives continuity. Instead of using an email address that you created another time in your life. Your email campaigns will be taken more seriously and will also give continuity to remember your web address. Along with being more trusted. If you opt for the free .Com Worpress site and only buy a domain name, you will not get those extras and in the long run the .com website will give you less control of your website along with ultimately costing you more.
Ranking on search engines to have your website found online
There are a few ways to get to the ‘top of the page’. One way, is to pay for Google ad words or Pay-per click as mentioned above. Another way is to have TV ads that direct your viewers to your brand or service. Notice how all TV ads and stations are encouraging you to go to their websites or follow them on Twitter or Facebook? That is because when you watch TV, they do not know who is watching, or what they are watching.
However, when you get someone on your website, with Google analytics you can track where and what interested your visitors. So about that ‘Widget’ sale you are running, wouldn’t it be nice to know which ad drew them in?
The flip side of the coin is to have a website commercial on your website. You will be able to see how many visitors clicked on it, where and if they stopped watching and where they clicked to, after stopping the website commercial.
For instance, you have a website commercial done for that Widget sale. You email out to all your contacts. 70% of the contacts click on your website commercial, say 40% stop after 20 seconds. Then click away from your page. Looks like you need a little more interest to keep them aboard or have your message around that length. If you find that 60% go all the way to the end of your website commercial and then click through to your Clearance area. You now know that your clients like your product, just that they are price conscious. Nice information, right?
Please click my RSS feed if you like this kind of information. It helps me get to the top of the page and I can tell you how I did it. RSS stands for “Email me when I write a new article so I don’t miss it” Really it stands for Real Simple Syndication or Subscription.
So you have your website and are now writing Blogs and want to be found. The trick is to specialize. Some specialize on the cheapest deal, on the newest product. Others specialize in things like myself, Website Commercials.

When the search engines crawl all over my website the consensus for my site would be Website commercials, production, producer, advertising with a website commercial. So if you were to launch a Browser, type in website commercials, I would come right up. If you were to type in website commercial (singular) I do not rank as high about 10 down or moved to the second page of Google. That is how sensitive it is when blogging, and attempting to Rank for a key word.
That is one of the reasons Website Commercials are helping with tracking and ranking. Google has now moved into recognizing website commercials as the natural progression of the internet. In other words if two identical websites had the exact same info and pictures, yet one has a short website commercial. It will outrank the other, as well as you will have access to how many views you got and if it is cute,sexy or interesting enough it could be passed around on the net getting hundreds if not millions of views, that all lead back to your site.
Think about it, 1 million unique web address hits going to your website. Don’t you think Google would assume you are the information hub people go to? Right, that is the holy grail I mentioned about Video advertising. As well as that website commercial can be installed in an email link as a blaster to get your clients attention and get in front of them. People are in a hurry and do not want to read unless they have too. Have you ever assembled something with instructions and read them only when you get stuck? Recent Google studies show a consumer now wants their information hunger satisfied in .250,000 of a second! A quarter of a second, a consumer decides whether they like something or not. Talk about first impressions…
Having a client pick your Brand or Website
Brand recognition is why people pick your brand. Along with trust, familiarity and being in front of them when it is time to make a decision. I don’t know about you, but when I am on the market for something, that is the only time I look at an ad. I also prefer to get an ad from a reputable stable company. Personally, I use the Net when I need something. If I need a Sweater, it is over to Ebay and type in Sweater. If I know the name of the sweater I want. I would type that name into a search bar and see what comes up. Usually Overstock or Amazon and look for a decent price. If the website has a commercial on it’s website, and is competitive; that is the one I go to and buy from. After I check their rating’s of course.
Please check out this example of how someone would use a website commercial instead of gathering up pictures to convey their message.
As always to have your comment or questions posted, please include the words Business Websites and website commercials This way I know you are an organic comment and not a spam bot.