Unique Advertising
Unique advertising could be looked at as, different, weird, out of the norm, etc…To use use an advertising cliche’, bottom-line; people are talking and when they are talking, they are referring to the advertising and it’s unique way of delivering One’s message. Which all boils down to well spent advertising dollars, all because of being unique in advertising. Some clothing lines dread becoming mainstream. Funny right? Spend all that unique advertising money to become a staple or a mainstream brand and then your core followers ignore you if you step over. Step over to mainstream, where the Big companies are carrying their line. Well, if that is you only worry for using unique advertising; then you got no worries.
Degrees of Unique Advertising
Degrees of advertising could be from how dangerous to sexy to boring or sleepy. I am sure selling a fire extinguisher could have definite degrees of unique advertising. For example, a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall would be pretty sleepy. On the contrary, showing a fire extinguisher hanging in a closet while someone is sleeping and there is a 3 alarm fire in the next room, would reek of danger. That is the fine line of unique advertising. Also, being predictable with advertising, is a sure fire way to be ignored. Sex sells, lets face it. However there are degrees of unique advertising to be subtle or blatant. Your viewers will either brand you as Caz or daring. Hence degrees of unique advertising.
Holy grail of Unique Advertising
When I refer to the ‘Holy-Grail’ of unique advertising, I am referring to going ‘viral’. That is when a company creates a unique advertising piece and it is so popular, that it gets emailed and posted so much that a million viewers or hits are attained. How do you create Unique Advertising and have it go viral, is the question here. Well, one could create it on the first try. Yet, it does not get discovered. If you have a large email base or traffic website, chances are you could and will go viral with the right unique advertising piece. If not, you could create hundreds of videos until you are a staple on Youtube and your video will get shown as a “latest video” on Youtube splash page. One can also pay for a spot on main splash pages, but that takes Long Money to do that. Hence the Holy Grail of unique advertising. That fine line of a rate of return on your advertising dollar. Know this, chances of a flat static webpage going viral is about Nil. You will need video to get people talking. TV proves it, as well as any large company use or uses video to create unique advertising pieces.
One should be prepared to entertain their potential clients with their brand of unique advertising. One should think series, releasing and updating their unique advertising pieces. If people are thinking about unique advertising pieces, they are talking about it.
Soft sale of Unique Advertising
Branding of Unique Advertising
When creating Unique Advertising pieces, you can easily brand yourself as the company that uses the “Whatever” to the “crazy”. Lucky you, if you get that successful with your unique advertising. If they can remember your advertising piece they will remember you product or service if the occasion should arise. I did a series of 6 commercial pieces that did not advertise their product or services, rather they uniquely made a series of ‘off the wall’ pieces, that their sign off was the only advertising in the commercials. But the idea there was to create entertaining unique advertising pieces that would be passed around the net and hopefully hashtagged. Hash tagged is when you use a subject and put a # in front of it. Twitter does that to categorize items that follow the #Hashtag. Like the example video below could be hash tagged with #get attention or #netcom sexy.
In closing, with unique advertising, it is a commitment. Picking a theme and going with it. Create branding, either with a jingle at the end; or slogan at sign off. The important part is the message of the commercial. If you look at the commercial above, you will notice there is no message. Just sexy woman getting your attention so I can sign off. Would you like to see more of those? I am sure most would say yes. I think that 50% would like to see a couple or a sexy guy. Woman are out consuming men now. Interestingly enough though woman do not respond to sexy as much as funny or heart felt. There is a fine line when creating unique advertising. I think you will find working with Netcommercial on your next unique advertising piece, rewarding and exciting. We work with you one on one, let you come up with an idea. Then we clarify and shorten your unique advertising piece to fit in with the normal standards of media advertising.
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