Using video for informercials
Keeping to the 1 minute length is not the rule here. The 1 minute rule applies to ad copy or selling the sizzle of your brand or company.
With informercials it is expected by the viewer to be tied up or busy viewing a promo or info reel for about 5 minutes in length. Sometimes if you are delving into an area or subject needing a bit more detail, up to 7 minutes. Remember, attention span as well as the load time is an issue here.
I have stumbled upon and watched 30 and 50 minute videos in the past and am sure I will again in the future. Note this, those longer videos were professional shot edited and had a lot of visual as well as important bullets through out the length of said videos. However I did not watch at the time of discovery. I downloaded and caught up with it at my leisure and when I had a bit more free time. That is why I recommend when using video and creating infomercials that you give the option to save to desktop as an alternative to watching it now. Another great way to help with ranking your website is to create a Bookmark button next to them. The Bookmark button will help with ranking as well as allow your viewer to come back at their leisure without forgetting to comeback at all or trying to find you again. Just because you know holding Control & “D” (for P.C) at the same time creates a bookmark; does not mean most do too.
Try it, hold the Cntrl button and the letter D at the same time..(your computer won’t break) My point is, make it easy and accessible so when they are thinking of your service or sale you are on their shopping circuit.
Another perfect opportunity, have those videos generate Contact pages or forms is this hosting service, check them out; “click here” Make your web videos play on iPhone/iPod/iPad – FREE Download!
Those are pages that pop up half the way into a video and ask for contact info so you can farm or cultivate a relationship with a person interested in your service or sales. Then you will use a drip campaign on those folks. Studies show you get a better conversion with drip campaign then with any other advertising. I think because you have a better chance of selling your product to someone who already has shown interest in that particular brand.
Why use the contact page in the middle of the infomercial? Because they now have a vested interest and their time in finishing your video, if it is interesting. Most will fill in correctly, some will give you erroneous info, however we really only want to generate a relationship with real people who are actually interested in your brand of sales or service. Right? I mean sending out 10,000 emails to cat owners and you are having a sale on dog leashes might be a bit of an expense not worth the effort for conversion to a sale. Hence, asking for the information and the ones that are real will get weeded out there, usually.
When labeling your infomercial, many like to start at the beginning so label them accordingly. If it is 21 minutes of info broken into 3 or 4 videos, title them that way. Number One of Three or Four, etc… Nothing worse then coming across someone on youtube who has a great resource on something and had broken the series up by name. It is perfectly clear to the Producer and the viewer “After” one has watched. However we are trying to create a little organization on your site. It is important to be an authority on your subject not the ‘knower of all’ about it. If someone tells me they know it all, then I am skeptical as they sure have not left room for any improvement or advances in technology. You will notice on my page I mention the fact the web is ever evolving and what seemed perfect yesteryear might need a make over today. I would like to be considered an authority on using video for websites as opposed to being an expert in an ever evolving industry.
These are just a few tips on using video for infomercials and converting traffic. Now I have just brushed on these subjects and will delve further into them one at a time, further down the road. If you are interested in my writing or angle of view on these subjects just hit my RSS feed in the top Right corner of the page. Or you can Bookmark (PC users Hold Cntrl and the D on your keypad Mac users Cmmnd and D) my Blog. Therefore when I write another bit of juicy information on enhancing your website, you will get an email stating the title and a link to my article (with RSS only). I will delve into a short RSS article at a later time to help understand what RSS is and how it works.
Again as always, due to autospammers and the likes of, one must include the words video for infomercials to get their comment posted and to get that precious back link desired.
Best Regards,
“When they’re Surfing the Net and you don’t want them to forget!”